Michel Chevalet: His wife Josiane is dead

Life gives more gifts to some than to others. The 82-year-old journalist, Michel Chevalet, must agree. After a whole life spent by his side, the great TV figure of science has just lost his wife Josiane. According to France Sunday, the producer of children’s programs was carried away during the week by a long illness. A battle that the journalist had also mentioned in an interview with Télé Loisirs in 2019. This “serious disease“, as he described it, ended up taking away what was most precious to him.

Still according to the weekly, Josiane’s funeral took place in the strictest privacy this Thursday, July 7, at Plessis-Trévise in the Val-de-Marne in the Paris region. Michel Chevalet now finds himself alone with their two sons, Christophe and Fabrice, and faced with the fight that the couple has been leading since 2001 and the terrible drama they have experienced.

In 2001, their son Fabrice was driving in his van on the A4 motorway when he was hit by a truck from behind. The violence of the shock wedges him between the first heavyweight and the one who was just in front of him. The young man ends up in a wheelchair, hemiplegic and blind, to the dismay of his relatives. Michel Chevalet, his wife Josiane and their son Christophe supported since this terrible day the association Victims in anger.

Once again, Michel Chevalet is faced with the worst. Losing the mother of his children and the one with whom he shared everything is a real blow. But the journalist has always managed to stay the course: “I had a wonderful life but like the others I took a beating. My son, whom I care for, was left paralyzed and blind after a car accident where he was crushed between two trucks. And my wife is suffering from a serious illness. All that changes you a man! Sometimes I collapse all alone in my corner but I won’t tell you more about it…“A real rock in the face of the trials of life.

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