Pensions, EDF, purchasing power … the 8:30 am franceinfo by Fabien Roussel

Fabien Roussel, secretary national of the French Communist Party was the guest of 8:30 franceinfo, Thursday July 7. He answered questions from Marie Bernardeau and Jean-Jérôme Bertolus.

Wage increases:There will not be a kopeck more for wages in the private sector

“There will not be a kopeck more for wages in the private sector, ithere will be nothing”, regretted Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF), while the bill on purchasing power must be presented in the afternoon in the Council of Ministers. The day before, on TF1, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, asked companies to “taking responsibility”calling those “who have financial margins” has “increase their employees”through “salary increases” or else “exceptional bonuses of purchasing power”. “They have been asking private companies for five years: ‘we should make an effort’, ‘do something’, etc.”mocked Fabien Roussel.

Pensions: Fabien Roussel wants “a referendum” and “an alternative project to that of the government”

On pensions, Fabien Roussel would like there to be “two projects put on the table, one by the left, and the other by the liberals, and that the French decide”. He wants “Referendum” and “an alternative project to that of the government”. “I will take the initiative, at the start of the school year, to make all the left-wing groups work [à l’Assemblée]but also trade unions who wish to set up an alternative project to that of the government” .

Renationalization of EDF: “It’s more of a recapitalization”, regrets the communist Fabien Roussel

“They say nationalization” of EDF, but “it’s more of a recapitalization”regrets Fabien Roussel, because “the State takes 100% of the shares in a public limited company which remains a private company”. “What we want is that we have a public company and therefore that we create a public establishment in which the State is effectively the main shareholder, and that we put in place a public service” .

Watch the full interview

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