the Picard duo take on CAN 2022 with the Moroccan women’s football team

Cédric Blomme and Eric Chitcatt are members of the staff of the Moroccan women’s football team, the first as a physical trainer, the second as a mental trainer. They are preparing, with the Lionesses of the Atlas, to play the African Cup of Nations at home. We met the Picard duo under the sun of Rabat during a selection course.

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More than an hour before the start of a warm-up match against Gambia, Eric Chitcatt is the first to come and discover the lawn of the Prince Moulay Abdellah sports complex in Rabat. New crest on the chest, the 52-year-old artist arrives smiling.

The Albertin intends to take full advantage of his Moroccan adventure, in the staff of the women’s selection, after several years spent far from the round ball. “There is a lot of excitement because I am happy to be back in football. I lived for almost 5 years with the staff of Amiens SC. There, for four years, I was in ice hockey. To find football again, it does me good“, he rejoices.

He joined the staff last February, just a year after another Picard, Cédric Blomme, from Amiens. He too left France and crossed the Mediterranean, motivated by the quality of the sports project. “There are large human and financial resources invested in developing women’s football in Morocco.“, assures the physical trainer of 43 years.

Cédric Blomme has known several Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 clubs during his professional career, including Le Mans, Sochaux and Nancy: “it’s a new challenge for me because it’s a new audience. I had only played men’s football. There, I have to adapt to the athletic and physiological specificities of the girls. It’s very rewarding“.

That evening, April 7, both attended the health walk of their players from the bench. A victory without appeal 6 goals to 1, against a limited opponent. “It’s very intoxicating, there’s a lot of passion and as I often say to the athletes I accompany… Well, I no longer have the legs to play so the pleasure, I find it with them“, slips Eric Chitcatt.

With his experience at Amiens SC, Eric sets his bags in Rabat as a mental trainer. “It started thanks to videos made with ice hockey. The Morocco Academy contacted me. It then went up to the direction of performance, led by another Amiens, Christophe Manœuvrier. I was asked to join the women’s team and then, the adventure began“, details the one who knows, at 52, his first experience within a national selection.

Cédric Blomme, for his part, has already experienced two years outside France. The first in China, and the second in Qatar. This experience convinced French coach Reynald Pedros to call on him. “I wanted a physical trainer who had known abroad. The high level experience is very important, the requirement too. Our players need rules, discipline to work well“, explains the former tricolor international with 25 caps in the 90s.

When they arrive in Rabat, they discover the Mohamed VI sports complex, a kind of local Clairefontaine, located only about ten kilometers from the Moroccan capital.

The impressive sports center, inaugurated by the king in 2019, covers nearly 30 hectares. It is one of the most modern in the world. Here, the equipment is state-of-the-art, brand new.

We are in an exceptional working environment. I don’t think there are many centers with such a structure. Even in France, in the biggest Ligue 1 clubs, there is no equivalent“, smiles the Amiens.

The Mohamed VI sports complex, one of the most modern in the world

©Jean-Louis Croci / FTV

Eric Chitcatt also benefits from the quality of the facilities. L’Albertin offers several workshops to improve the cognitive functions of players, in particular their reactivity. “The idea is to get them used to taking in information quickly, so that they can immediately act, react, take the appropriate action in relation to a given situation. Hand-eye coordination, here, eye-foot coordination, left hand-right hand, left foot-right foot“, he specifies.

This role is still unknown to the general public, but for coach Reynald Pedros, who validated the arrival of Picard in the staff, it is nevertheless essential. “It puts all the players on alert, it makes them progress. It is very complementary work with ours, that of the field. If it becomes repetitive, the players will anticipate a lot more things, especially in training and that is essential.

The players, for the most part, recognize that they have not known mental preparation so far. They approach this new approach with curiosity. “It’s a great discovery. I see the difference in the session. For example, between the first pass and the next, you immediately feel that you are more reactive, more attentive, faster. I think that in the long term, it can bring a lot to the field“, says Salma Amani, playmaker of the Lionesses of the Atlas, licensed to the US Malo, club of the 2nd French division.

The 32-year-old player is delighted with the arrival of the two Picards in the staff. “There is a certain difference between Moroccan football and European football, so it can only be good for the group. They bring their experience“, she specifies.

A vision abounded by Reynald Pedros, very satisfied with the two men. “There are a lot of people from the North in the staff so it worried me at first (laughs)… But hey, the people from the North are warm so it’s ok… I’m very happy that my staff is there because we’re hear very well outside“, laughs the native of Orleans.

A good working atmosphere ideal for approaching major sporting challenges. Morocco is hosting its Africa Cup of Nations, July 2-23. This meeting marks a first turning point in the Moroccan adventure of our two Picards.

The Atlas Lionesses are aiming for a place in the last four of the competition, played at home. This result would allow them to qualify directly for the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand in 2023. A new challenge in perspective for Cédric and Eric, ever further from Picardy.

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