COVID-19: increase of 13 deaths and 56 hospitalizations in Quebec

Quebec has reported 13 new deaths related to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours.

• Read also: More than 17 million Canadians have caught COVID-19 in five months

• Read also: FEQ ‘will have an impact’ on COVID-19 cases

The number of people hospitalized due to the virus increased compared to the previous day (+56), bringing the total of Quebecers occupying a hospital bed to 1,497. The number of people in intensive care remained relatively stable compared to the balance sheet of Tuesday (+1; 40).

In addition, 1,839 new cases were recorded in Wednesday’s report, against 1,356 the day before, while 642 positive rapid tests were self-reported during the day on Tuesday.

The number of healthcare workers absent due to COVID-19 has also increased (7041), according to the latest data from Public Health.


  • 1,098,011 people infected (+1839*)
  • 15,630 deaths (+13)
  • 1497 people hospitalized
  • 40 people in intensive care
  • 14,465 samples taken on July 4
  • 240,214 self-declared rapid tests so far, including 199,124 positive: 715 declared for yesterday, including 642 positive.

* The number of cases listed is not representative of the situation since access to screening centers is restricted to priority clienteles

*** For detailed results by region, consult the INSPQ website by clicking here.

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