Climate crisis | I want to be sure that I have a future

My name is Juliette Taillefer, I’m 17, I just finished my first year of CEGEP. It is currently 12:15 a.m. on July 6, 2022 and I cannot sleep.

Posted at 11:00 a.m.

Juliette Taillefer
CEGEP student

I think a lot these days, way too much. I think about how we, all people living on this Earth, only have a few years to save the planet. Years that can be counted on the fingers of our hands. Yet the world’s rulers can’t even do anything about it, as if it’s three meters above their heads. Everyone tells me they have plans: carbon reduction by 2035 or something like that… but we need action now. We can’t afford to put this off any longer. The leaders of the countries need to impose themselves on this subject, the big companies must change their ways of doing things. Money doesn’t solve everything, it can’t save our planet.

I know I sound brutal, maybe even extremist, but these are the words of a teenager who fears for the future, who no longer has hope. I would like to be sure that human beings will survive this climate crisis, but no.

If you read this text and think that it is not addressed to you, you are wrong: this crisis affects everyone and will affect everyone.

Several countries will become uninhabitable. We are talking about millions of people who will have to move to habitable countries, millions of people on the streets. Where are they going to live? We are talking about a lack of resources, of food, a war for resources is about to begin. Moreover, even supposedly habitable countries will not really be. To not act now is to condemn us to this future. Older generations will not really be affected, but you have to think of the children who did not ask for anything. To act now is to think of one’s neighbour. It’s thinking about his grandchildren, his children, cousins, uncles, aunts, friends, etc. I know, it’s work, but the result is to have a comfortable life, a habitable Earth.

Have children ?

For three months, I’ve been thinking about it every day: my future is in jeopardy, because no one is doing anything. I don’t even want to have children, what’s the point? Bringing them into such a world, giving them an uncertain future is not something I wish on anyone. However, this is the case for many people. I don’t understand why parents don’t do more to ensure that their children’s future is secure. I don’t have the words to express how anxious and angry I am that we are not doing anything now, that we are postponing everything until tomorrow. It’s about lives, futures and just common sense. The deadline to save us from this climate crisis is fast approaching. We even managed to move it forward, do you understand the issues? There is and never will be a second chance.

Finally, I would like to say: if you don’t believe me, just do some real research. Scientists have been saying this for years and no one has ever taken it seriously. We have reached the point where if we don’t change now, our future will be unstable. Everyone must understand that this is not a game, it is not a trend, a fad. This is our future. You must believe them. And you, dear leaders, know that we need action.

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