Nabilla, young mother complexed by her body: Thomas Vergara shocked, she assumes!

Two years after the birth of their eldest son Milann, Nabilla and Thomas Vergara welcomed their second baby. Indeed, on June 5, the pretty 30-year-old brunette gave birth to a little boy named Leyann. A month later, the couple is swimming in happiness. However, for her part, the young mother is not yet fully recovered from her delivery.

She carried life for 9 months. Inevitably, his body still remembers it a month later. Nabilla has not yet found her pre-baby silhouette. So, for the moment, no question of appearing in a bikini highlighting its plastic. “I went to the swimming pool in my underpantsshe confides on Tuesday July 5, 2022 in story on Instagram. I’m by the pool in a sports bra and Thomas’ boxer shorts. I really fell guys, I’m a real daronne. I actually feel comfortable in the boxer shorts because I can pull them up a bit. Bikinis are not the time, I’m not ready for that. (…) I was cool, I didn’t put on my sheath.

Since her debut on television, Nabilla has always taken great care of her appearance. The beauty has even gone from a young bimbo with voluptuous curves and a daring look to an elegant business woman with a sculpted silhouette. This physical change, she has a hard time accepting it. “She doesn’t want to wear a bathing suit anymore, it’s incredible. Crazy thing. She took a boy’s underpants. She thinks she won’t get her body back“, declares for his part her husband Thomas Vergara in a story on Snapchat. A complex which is ultimately worthless for Nabilla, as long as she has the love of her half.I hope you still love me“, launches the young mother with the charming brown.

In mid-June, ten days after giving birth, the young woman had already mentioned her new postpartum figure. “VSyou can’t see it but I feel it, after that it doesn’t bother me physically, I just feel it because I’m a little heavier, my joints hurt a little and especially my feet and legs swollen. Same for the belly, but I have a sheath so it flattens, the skin is not reattached, it’s not madness but it will take the time it takes, it’s not my priority for the moment“, she confided, stating that she had already lost 10 kilos.

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