Health: mandatory sun protection


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The summer season is obviously the time when the sun represents the most dangers for the human body, and more particularly for the skin. The journalist and doctor Damian Mascret is on the 12/13 set, Tuesday July 5, to expose us to the risks.

Like every summer, it is essential to protect yourself from the dangers that the sun can cause. If adults can suffer from the sun, it is among children that the dangers are greatest. “UV rays attack the cells and it is in childhood that sunburn, in particular, lays the nest of skin cancers which will appear decades later”informs the journalist and doctor Damien Mascret, present on the set of 12/13, Tuesday July 5. Still according to the journalist: “The skin (…) even tanned, is a weak protection against UV rays and this is even more true in children, because it is very thin.”

To avoid developing diseases linked to the hot summer sun, several types of protection exist. It is necessary according to Damien Mascret “eavoid the midday sun”. For the more adventurous who still wish to expose themselves, sunscreen is an essential protection, however, it must be chosen carefully. “We must prefer sun creams with an SPF50+ index and avoid organic sun products which are not sufficiently protective”advises the journalist. Protecting yourself also means keeping your clothes on, such as your T-shirt, and preferring to wear a hat or cap.

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