Near Perpignan, “shopping companions” help seniors do their shopping at the supermarket



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It’s the idea of ​​a 25-year-old graduate. Héloïse Lamotte has created a platform that connects supermarkets and students to offer a new kind of service: accompanying elderly customers on the shelves to make their lives easier. #TheyHaveTheSolution

Products that are impossible to catch, trolleys that are too heavy to push, labels that are difficult to read, going to the supermarket can quickly prove to be complicated for some elderly people, even downright painful. In Perpignan, a young entrepreneur had the idea of ​​putting stores in contact with students responsible for accompanying seniors on the shelves. A new service called “Shopping Companions”, tested since May in a store in Elne and already adopted by customers.

I observed while shopping that there was a majority of people aged over 60, and that paradoxically, the services available today in supermarkets were not adapted to this clientele.

Heloise Lamotte

Founder of Silver Hands

That day, four female students donned the “shopping companions” T-shirt. Among them, Zoé who helps Christiane, retired, to fill her shopping cart: “It’s true that on the shelves, there are plenty of things that are difficult to access. But it’s just to help them, it’s not demeaning for them, that’s what’s good too“. A help and beautiful exchanges that are good for old and young alike. “I lost my grandparents, so I don’t have too many intergenerational ties anymore. It makes me happy to meet old people, to discuss with them, because it’s another generation, another life“, testifies Noémie

Valuable and completely free help for customers. The students are paid 11 euros per hour and work two mornings a week. For the supermarket that pays for the service, it’s a good way to pamper and retain this significant part of its clientele. The “Compagnons d’Emplettes” are now present in Soler, west of Perpignan, but also in Brittany in Pontivy in Morbihan.

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