Emmanuelle (Love is in the meadow): Her daughter suffering from disorders, she recounts their daily life “not always easy”

Usually, it is her weight loss that Emmanuelle highlights on her social network. But this Monday, July 4, 2022, it is a very different post that the candidate of Love is in the meadow 2017 (M6). It was her daughter Celestine that she wanted to honor to make a revelation about her.

Emmanuelle is rather discreet about her private life. Since breaking up with Romuald, whom she had met during her experience Love is in the meadow, we do not know, for example, if she has met or found love. But this Monday, she made an exception to talk about her daughter who has just finished her first year in college. A year thatwent at breakneck speed“said the former contender of M6.

Despite his multiDYS disorders [combinaison de plusieurs troubles cognitifs, NDLR] diagnosed last year and thanks to some classroom adjustments such as the introduction of the computer and above all to hard, constant and regular work on the part of Célestine in class and at home and at weekly sessions with the occupational therapist and the speech therapist, Célestine finished each of the 2 semesters with an overall average of 16.5 and the congratulations of the class council. His DYS disorders and its hypersensitivity are not always easy on a daily basis but this forces her to surpass herself even more to get there and she remains determined to succeed in school and to follow her dreams.“, continued Emmanuelle. She acknowledged that putting in place a protocol for her daughter has sometimes been “strewn with pitfalls“because some teachers did not want to play the game.

Emmanuelle luckily arrived there “with a little tact, perseverance and diplomacy“, which allowed Célestine to be in better conditions to work. And thanks to her work and her perseverance, she excelled. “Proud of my daughter. Proud of my baby of love and who will remain so despite the big and beautiful young girl she is becoming. I had been warned that the physical and other changes would be obvious at the end of 6th grade, this is indeed the case. 1 year exactly separates these 2 photos and they speak for themselves“, she concluded in the caption of a photo on which we can discover the girl at the beginning and end of the year. And the change is indeed obvious.

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