Madrid believes that “it is the government of Morocco” that must be questioned over the death of 23 migrants trying to enter Melilla

Pedro Sanchez, however, immediately qualified his remarks by saying “recognize the effort made by Morocco, which suffers from migratory pressure, to defend borders which are not its own but those of Spain”.

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The question of the violation of human rights in the tragedy in Melilla, which claimed the lives of at least 23 migrants on June 24, must be raised in Rabat, said the Spanish Prime Minister on Sunday July 3 in an interview with daily El País.

Asked about the images of the tragedy that he said he had not seen during his last intervention, Wednesday, on the subject, and on the “respect for human rights in such a situation”Pedro Sanchez claimed that “it is the government of Morocco that should answer this question”. “We have to talk about what we are doing in Spain”, continued Pedro Sanchez.

However, he immediately qualified his remarks by saying “recognize the effort made by Morocco, which suffers from migratory pressure, to defend borders which are not its own but those of Spain” and evoking the “solidarity” which, in his view, Spain and Europe must show vis-à-vis Morocco.

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