Canada Day in Montreal | An expected return

“Canada is the best country in the world! “says Julia Dostov, a big smile on her lips. For the 26e year since her arrival in Montreal, she makes it a point of honor to participate in the celebration of the country’s day, the 1er July. Like hundreds of others gathered Friday in the Old Port of the metropolis.

Posted at 11:10 p.m.

Lila Dussault

Lila Dussault
The Press

Red maple leaves adorn small flags, waved or waved like fans, planted in backpacks or headgear. In the facilities of the Old Port of Montreal, hundreds of people stroll in a friendly and good-natured atmosphere, despite the stifling heat of early July.

“We are very happy to meet again after two years of a pandemic, underlines Bruno Brassard, met on the outskirts of the stage where the evening show is held, near the Saint-Pierre square. For me, [la fête du Canada], it is the communion of all the provinces, in this beautiful country that we share. »

The celebrations begin and end with salutes: at 1 p.m., those of 21 cannon shots, at 10 p.m. those of fireworks.

In between, games for children, crowded cafes, food stalls and above all, a closing show. A bunch of artists have planned to share the stage in the evening: Samian, Naomi, Matéo, Annie Villeneuve, Corneille and Joseph Edgar.

“I came for the show, the party, the atmosphere, says Alain Houle, Quebec cap on his head and Canadian flag in hand, in front of the stage. I am always satisfied with the show in Montreal, even if I like Quebec better”


Alain Houle comes to enjoy the Canada Day show.

A symbolic moment

For some of those present, the celebration has something symbolic. This is the case of Elvia Garcia, who has been sponsoring her husband Balla Moussa Bangoura, since 2019. “Since it was from Canada that he obtained his permanent residence, it was important for us to come and celebrate it here”, tells Mme Garcia.

Arsène Akomian and Marie-Louise Kodjo, of Ivorian origin, have just passed their Canadian citizenship exam. Arrived in Quebec for 6 years, they only have to take the oath – the very last step of the immigration process to become Canadians. “Me, what I like is to see all the nations gathered together, explains Kodjo, pointing to the crowd. It brings joy to my heart. »


Arsène Akomian and Marie-Louise Kodjo and two of their four children Jonathan and Prunelle Akomian.

At his side, Mr. Akomian, his 3-year-old son on his shoulders, adds: “It was important for us to come and celebrate Canada together. »

For the Dostov family, who arrived from Russia 26 years ago and have since settled in downtown Montreal, celebrating Canada is an annual tradition. “It’s a country of love, which I adore,” says Julia Dostov. “People here are warm, they are kind,” adds his daughter, Elena.

Reuniting after the pandemic

The joy of the post-pandemic reunion is also palpable. “We wanted to celebrate Canada Day, but also to meet other people, observes Zhile Wu, met on the spot with her husband and her granddaughters. During the pandemic, we couldn’t do that. »


Zhile Wu and her husband Zhigang Shi with their daughters Yufan and Helene Shi.

Ana and Carlos Gonzalez wouldn’t have missed the celebrations either. “We are here because we are Canadians, we are Quebecers! sums up Mr. Gonzalez.

Among the crowd, some travelers, who also enjoy the festivities. Noël Caulfield and Benjamin Donovan, from Vancouver, are visiting Montreal for a week. After feasting at the Monarque restaurant, they came to celebrate the country. “I think Canada is a symbol of what can be good in the world,” said Caulfield. But I’m not so sure if we deserve this symbol anymore, ”she adds, referring to the country’s colonialist past.

The hundreds of people gathered in front of the stage waiting for the evening show, however, had to be patient. Rapper Samian, from Pikogan, an Aboriginal community in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, first opened the show, accompanied by a traditional dancer, in a lively and colorful number. But the performance was later interrupted due to technical problems. Leaving La Presse, around 8:30 p.m., the show had still not started.


Rapper Samian kicked off the evening show in Montreal on Friday, before it was halted due to technical issues.

Celebrations across the country

Canada Day was celebrated across the country on Friday. More than 1050 events have been listed in all provinces by the Government of Canada website. The Canadian channels also broadcast the noon ceremony and the evening show, which took place at Parc des Plaines-LeBreton, in Ottawa. Among the guest artists are Quebecers Charlotte Cardin, Ariane Moffatt, Sarahmée and Boogat.

Learn more

  • 1052
    Number of events celebrating Canada Day across the country

    Government of Canada

source site-60