the flag of the European Union was unfurled in the hemicycle of the Parliament in Kyiv

The President of Parliament talks about an “historical moment”. “It was my dream. It has come true”, welcomed, moved, Ruslan Stefanchuk.

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He crossed the central aisle of thehemicycle to the applause of the deputies. The European Union flag was unfurled in the Ukrainian Parliament in Kyiv on the morning of Friday 1 July.

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In a message posted on Twitter, the president of the Rada evokes a “historic moment”. “It was my dream. It came true”, welcomed, moved, Ruslan Stefanchuk. Same emotion for the EU ambassador to Ukraine, Matti Maasikas, who posted the video of the scene on social networks.

Just before, it was the President of the European Commission who addressed, by videoconference, the Ukrainian deputies. “The road ahead will be long, but Europe will be with you every step of the way, however long it takes, from those dark days of war until the moment you cross the threshold into our European Union”, promised Ursula von der Leyen. On 23rd June last the leaders of the 27 granted Ukraine EU candidate status.

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