The Catalan franchise, which was playing its first Super League final, lost two points against St Helens on Saturday (10-12).
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The Catalan Dragons narrowly lost, Saturday, October 9, their first final of the England Rugby League Championship against St Helens (12-10), in the Old Trafford stadium in Manchester. The English are sacred for the third time in a row.
The Perpignan-based franchise, which finished first in the regular phase, was the first non-English team to reach that level, fifteen years after joining the Super League.
More than 2,000 supporters, in the colors of blood and gold, had made the trip from Catalonia to see their team – the only foreigner among the 12 in the competition – try to win under the nose and beard of the English, in the Working-class north of the country, where the discipline was born at the end of the 19th century against a backdrop of class struggle.
The test scored in the second half by Mike McMeeken and the flawless against the poles of the Australian opener James Maloney, for his last outing at this level, were not enough in a final as intense as closed
We were hoping for another end.
Thank you for making us dream this season– Catalan Dragons (@DragonsOfficiel) October 9, 2021