Kate Middleton dropped by phone by William: her perfect attitude made the difference…

Today, Kate Middleton is the only one to hold the key to Prince William. The Duke of Cambridge is described as “blood” and may worry some people in Buckingham, but his wife knows how to calm him down and teach him to take a step back. Parents of three children, George, Charlotte and Louis, the Cambridges have, however, like many couples, gone through moments that are not always obvious, especially when Kate Middleton was dumped by Charles and Diana’s son.

In the spring of 2007, Prince William, terrified by the idea of ​​enlisting, decided to break up with his girlfriend, over the phone. The one who was his confidante for so long during their studies in Saint-Andrews, Scotland, must be satisfied with this. And it is his reaction, which Prince William will perfectly appreciate, who will convince the latter to return, reports Gala, on newsstands this Thursday, June 30, 2022. The Duchess of Cambridge does not say a word to the press, she keeps everything to herself. She internalizes and flies to Ibiza with a friend.

Three months after the breakup, Prince William returns

good job. Three months later, the recipe pays off since Prince William returns. He is now sure of his feelings. And if he is still traumatized by the failure of the union of his parents and the death of his mother, the older brother of prince Harry can count on Kate Middleton to reassure him and encourage him to consult. Over the years, she is now the one who knows him best. And the only one to appease him. The 40-year-old duchess knows how to defuse her husband’s anger. The future king admires “how she knew how to find her place and stick to it“, according to Rebecca English. She does not hesitate to advise him to take a step back from certain media storms and not to be so impulsive.

His anger difficult to manage at Buckingham

Because within the Palace, the temperament of the future king is not always obvious to everyone. “He’s a sanguine, who can explode at any momentespecially when he’s upset or when his family is under fire“, reports Robert Johnson, author of William at 40: The making of a modern monarch. And even the members of the royal family are paying the price, from his father Charles to his brother Harry passing by his uncle Andrew. Fortunately, Kate Middleton is there.

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