COVID-19: New health reductions come into effect in Quebec on Monday

Other reliefs to health rules related to COVID-19 come into force on Monday in Quebec.

Thus, secondary school students no longer have to wear the mask in class, only in common areas and during school transport.

On the other hand, Quebecers can return to work face-to-face, the teleworking instruction having been lifted, and it will be up to each employer to determine the appropriate formula. Mixed formulas allowing the continuation of teleworking are recommended.

Relaxations affect restaurants and bars. For example, customers will no longer be forced to sit at their table. It is also possible for them to dance.

Karaoke is again permitted, as long as the singer is two meters from the crowd or is wearing a mask and standing behind a physical barrier.

Another relaxation: owners and tenants no longer have to keep customer registers. They must, however, continue to ensure that their clients show their vaccination passport upon entry.

Wearing a mask remains compulsory everywhere in bars and restaurants, except when eating and drinking.

As of November 1, bars and restaurants can accommodate as many customers as their capacity allows, and bars can be open until 3:00 a.m.

In terms of open-access winter sports such as hockey, sliding and cross-country skiing, the vaccination passport will not be required. However, it will be used for sports with a ski lift, such as downhill skiing. The face cover must be worn in the cable cars. The scarf and neck warmer will be accepted as face cover.

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