Solutions to food inflation… | The duty

A month ago, the Round Table on Hunger and Social Development of Metropolitan Montreal proposed a nuanced solution to the problem of overheated food prices that affects more and more people: that the State intervene to establish rules in order to curb this disproportionate increase in the prices of some basic foodstuffs that we produce in Quebec. Several media then, in general, covered this proposal well. I thank them.

For the past two weeks, however, everyone has been reporting on this dramatic situation for the population, especially for the poorest and, increasingly, for low-income earners, who are seeing their food bills jump dramatically, but no one has returned to the presented solutions.

Certainly, we give the floor to several economists, who affirm that the $500 electoral checks accentuate inflation instead of fighting it. It is indeed an incentive for those who are at the head of the food system to continue to increase the bill, convinced that they are that people will be able to pay it. This is a short-sighted vision and, above all, erroneous! In fact, people are getting poorer while the shareholders of the big food chains are awash in profits. […]

In fact, when Premier Legault says that “Quebecers love cheques”, he is revealing the priorities for his next election budget. He who, during the pandemic, knew how to loosen the strings of the government purse to stimulate the economy, he will however have to face the music when our economy finds himself in a recession which he will have helped to bring out. The question deserves to be asked: Mr. Legault, will you choose to work for the common good or for the good of a few?

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