Will it be mandatory to put the mask back on the train? The CEO of SNCF finally answers THE question that everyone is asking!

Bad news… In France, the Covid-19 epidemic seems to be starting again! According to figures from Public Health France published on June 23, nearly 50,000 new cases are recorded every day in France. An umpteenth wave which worries the French and which pushes them above all to wonder if the old health restrictions are about to be brought up to date, such as the wearing of a mask in public transport.

A thorny question to which Jean-Pierre Farandou, the boss of the SCNF, answered on the airwaves of France Inter this Wednesday, June 29, 2022. “We have always been very disciplined in the application of the instructions for the protection of our travelers and our employees. We did the health pass, the confinements and deconfinements. There, we can clearly see that there is a rebound in the epidemic ”he first recalled.

And to add about the mask: “ It is not mandatory. But we appeal to civic sense. We know that the mask is the right instrument when we want to ensure this collective protection ”.

A recommendation

If the mask is recommended by the SNCF, it is also because the government does not intend to make it compulsory again. If the boss of the SCNF appealed to “civic conscience”, the new Minister of Health Brigitte Bourguignon meanwhile spoke of civic duty at the microphone of RTL on Monday June 27, 2022.

“I don’t just recommend it, I ask for it”, concluded the politician who also “asked” the French to show common sense by putting on a mask in all closed places conducive to promiscuity!

See also: Suffering Vitaa: She talks about her “ordeal” because of the covid!

Lisa Ziane

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