the Paris prosecutor’s office opens an investigation against the Minister of Solidarity for “attempted rape”

A complaint had been filed against the minister by a former elected centrist, Monday, June 27, for facts dating back to 2010.

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An investigation has been opened against Damien Abad for “attempted rape”, according to the Paris prosecutor’s office at franceinfo, confirming information from AFP, Wednesday June 29. This investigation follows the complaint filed by a centrist elected official for “attempted rape” concerning facts dating back to 2010, Monday, June 27.

According to her lawyer, the complainant accuses Damien Abad, at the time freshly elected MEP, of having tried to impose oral sex on her during an evening in her Parisian home. She also affirms that the chosen one rubbed against his chest as soon as he saw him, and for having had a very insistent and rude behavior during a wedding organized at the end of July 2010.

“My client has faith in justice. She knows that she will do her job”, reacted to franceinfo the lawyer for the complainant, Raphaële Bialkiewicz. The investigations were entrusted to the Brigade for the repression of delinquency against the person (BRDP). Since his appointment in the government of Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, the Minister of Solidarity has been accused of rape or attempted rape by three women whose testimonies were revealed by Mediapart, including the elected centrist.

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