Mathieu and Alexandre (Love is in the meadow) soon to be parents: GPA is moving forward, a date announced

Since their meeting in front of the cameras of Love is in the meadow, Matthew and Alexander no longer leave each other. The couple celebrated their wedding and now want to welcome a first baby. This is how the two men turned to surrogacy (surrogacy), an expensive process for which they wanted to start the process in Ukraine. But the current war in the country has distorted their plans. As they reveal to our colleagues from Here isthe farmer and his dear and tender have a solution.

GPA is not given to everyone. Indeed, this method of using a surrogate mother is expensive. Mathieu and Alexandre had even advanced the crazy sum of 100,000 euros. Money they don’t have… But determined to realize their dream of becoming dads, the lovers had a brilliant idea, that of writing a book that may help finance the project. “We are in the process of correcting it and what is funny is to see, despite the age difference, the resemblance that we both havethey confide about the book. On the nature, the family, the pains, the hard knocks… Because compared to the average we had more than the others. It’s what makes us who we are today.

Putting their story on paper was the logical next step for Mathieu and Alexandre, who need a sum ranging from 70,000 to 150,000 euros. No way for them to open a kitty but rather to take advantage of the profits from the sale of the book to welcome their first baby. With this money, the couple already knows what to do. In effect, the next step would be to go to Colombia next August in order to “start the surrogacy processas explained by our colleagues.

Direction therefore Latin America for this project. According to specialized sites on the subject, surrogate mothers in Colombia (who are on average between 21 and 37 years old) must respect certain rules such as having “at least one clean child following a successful pregnancy“.

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