Airbnb permanently bans parties

(New York) After having suspended the holidays in the summer of 2020, the specialist in the rental of accommodation between individuals Airbnb announced on Tuesday their permanent ban in all the properties listed on its platform.

Posted at 11:36 a.m.

“The temporary suspension has proven effective, which is why we are officially incorporating the suspension into our rules,” the company said in a statement.

Airbnb had started to toughen the tone at the end of 2019 by banning parties organized via social networks as well as unauthorized parties likely to disturb the neighborhood.

This decision followed a shooting at a Halloween party in Orinda, near San Francisco, California, during which 5 people were killed and several injured.

More than 100 people attended this party in a house rented on Airbnb.

The platform then implemented new restrictions with the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent the holding of events likely to turn into sources of contamination of the virus.

She had justified the temporary suspension of all parties as a health prevention measure.

The company has seen a 44% annual drop in party reports.

“The suspension was well received by our host community and we received positive feedback from community leaders and elected officials,” Airbnb said.

Travelers who seek to violate the rules face penalties, ranging from account suspension to permanent ban from the platform. 6,600 people were suspended for this reason in 2021, the company said.

Airbnb also recalled having implemented a series of prevention measures to deter offenders, including a special device against parties organized during the holidays, a helpline available 24 hours a day and a partnership with its rival Vrbo to share information about repeat partygoers in the United States.

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