Internet users dismayed on 1 p.m. by Julian Bugier impacted by strikes at France Télévisions

This Tuesday, June 28, 2022, Radio France listeners were unable to listen to their usual morning programs. They were indeed disturbed by a strike movement against the abolition of the audiovisual license fee wanted by the government this fall and which is perceived by its opponents as a “threat” to their independence. Leaflets from the CGT-CFDT-FO-SNJ-SUD-UNSA-CGC-CFTC intersyndicale, which is behind this strike movement, indicated that the public audiovisual budget “cannot be decided by the government and submitted the vagaries of voting on annual finance laws” at the risk of jeopardizing information” and “cultural diversity”.

And it was the same observation for the viewers of France 2 who could only see reruns of extracts from Télématin this morning. Julia Vignali and Thomas Sotto were indeed unable to present their show as they usually do on weekdays.

But the morning journalists were not the only ones affected by this massive strike. At lunchtime, Julian Bugier managed to ensure the presentation of his 1 p.m. newspaper, but under rather specific conditions. As soon as it went on the air, viewers noted the repercussions of this protest movement. “Looks like Julian Bugier doesn’t have a teleprompter, and there’s absolutely no on-air synth.”, “I support your strike movement, but without dec better detour Julian Bugier what, it looks like me when I discovered after effects”, “Sound largely deteriorated and sets in front of a green screen: the strike hurts Julian Bugier’s 1 p.m. on France 2.”, “End of the newspaper at 1:25 p.m. with a message from Julian Bugier “Long live public broadcasting!”, “Let’s support the non-abolition of the license fee, for freedom of expression, free access to information, and a stop to the flooding of channels with advertising and disinformation; Thank you for your television news, Mrs Lapix, Mr BugierMr Delahousse.“, could we read on Twitter.


See also: Julian Bugier: the 1 p.m. star ousted overnight!

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