Education: students return to their school 20 years later in Loudéac


Article written by

M. Lompageu, C. Paquier, T. Descamps – France 3

France Televisions

This is a special moment for the former students of Loudéac, in the Cotes d’Armor. They return to school to compare their lives with the one they dreamed of when they were children.

A reunion in the schoolyard of their childhood and images of their schooling, the former students of Loudeac (Cotes-d’Armor) meet to share a moment of conviviality. It is also an opportunity to remember what they wanted to do as a job when they were children. In 2000, all the students wrote down their dream job when they were older. An optician who dreamed of being an engineer or a nurse who wanted to be a cashier, the projects of the past are not really the situations of the present for these former students.

Most of the wishes expressed in 2000 are not the representation of the lives of each one, they are even sometimes very distant from their current life. “She says I like anything animal, it’s not my thing at all”explains, hilarious, a former student. This project was born thanks to Bernard Rouillé, director of the school from 1981 to 2009, now retired. This idea finds its source in the transition to the new millennium. In 2022, a CE2 class will take up this idea by also playing the game of guessing the future.

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