Jérôme and Lucile (Love is in the meadow): The couple passes a milestone before marriage

The 39-year-old market gardener and cereal farmer and his beautiful brunette, who is always thinner as the wedding approaches, seem to have made the most of this anniversary. It is in Lyon, not far from the small town of Jons where they live, that Jérôme and Lucile have put down their suitcases for a family weekend with their beautiful Capucine. “We celebrate our two years in Lyon with our doll. It’s hard to realize“, they acknowledged during a night out at the restaurant for three.

The fairy tale continues however for the candidates of Love is in the meadow who should no longer delay in saying “yes”. The latest news is that the wedding preparations are well advanced and everything is almost ready for the celebration of their love. “We have the florist, we have the caterer, the cake some corrections but we are super happy. Then we are in the process of developing the invitations. We have the venue, the wedding rings, the wedding dress. We don’t have the gentleman’s suit yet because he procrastinates so for now, we’re waiting“, for example, has already entrusted Lucile.

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