Ecuador | The president announces a reduction in fuel prices

(Quito) Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso announced Sunday a drop in fuel prices, in a proportion nevertheless lower than the demands of the thousands of natives who have been demonstrating and blocking part of the country for two weeks.

Posted yesterday at 11:43 p.m.

“I have decided to reduce the price of gasoline by 10 cents (of dollars) per gallon (3.78 liters) and the price of diesel also by 10 cents per gallon,” the Ecuadorian president said in a radio and television address. .

This reduction will bring the price of diesel to 1.80 dollars, and that of gasoline to 2.45 dollars, while the powerful confederation of indigenous nationalities (Conaie), spearhead of the demonstrations, demanded a drop in the price of fuels at 1.50 and 2.10 dollars.

In less than a year, diesel has climbed 90% (to $1.90) and gasoline by 46% (to $2.55).

“Ecuadorians who seek dialogue will find a government with an outstretched hand. Those who seek chaos, violence and terrorism will find the full force of the law”, assured President Lasso, who intervened a few hours after the resumption in Parliament of a debate on his possible dismissal.

Since the protests began on June 13, the violence has left six people dead and dozens injured. Quito is largely paralyzed and its access blocked by numerous roadblocks. The demonstrators tried twice, Thursday and Friday, to enter the premises of the National Assembly, from where they were repelled by the police.

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