Supreme disconnection | The duty

A dark day for the United States this June 24, 2022. The very conservative Supreme Court justices appointed by Donald Trump, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney-Barrett, weighed in the balance, which led to the decision to set aside the judgment Roe v. wade, which guaranteed women the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy since 1973. This is the withdrawal of a fundamental right in the States where the prohibition will prevail. The victims of this tragic decision will often be economically disadvantaged, abused women and adolescent girls.

Recall that, on June 23, the six conservative judges invalidated a New York State law which, for more than a century, had imposed limits on the carrying of a handgun in public spaces. This repeal was made against the advice of their three Democratic colleagues. In the interest of the popular majority, it would be imperative to revise the composition of this Court. A solution proposed in 2021 by four Democratic senators would be to increase the number of Supreme Court justices from 9 to 13. This solution seems difficult to implement, since it would require the approval of 60 senators out of 100. However, since a clear majority of Americans are in favor of free choice in abortion as well as in gun control to fire and given that the number of judges on the Supreme Court is not enshrined in the Constitution, this “strategy” seems to be one of the few that can meet the aspirations of the majority. The length of judges’ terms could also be limited. Democracy would only come out of it greater.

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