Listen to “At the counter of the info” with Pierre Haski, columnist of international politics in the 7/9 of France Inter

Pierre Haski has been presenting the “Geopolitics” column in the morning of France Inter for 4 years. He is also president of “Reporters Without Borders”. Previously, the journalist was a correspondent in South Africa, the Middle East and China for Agence France-Presse and then for the newspaper Liberation.

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Reading time : 1 min.

What if Vladimir Putin was about to get what he wants: European indifference? What if, come summer, the French and European media ended up losing interest in this conflict? Then, the pressure of public opinion on their leaders would drop and Europe could then no longer help Ukraine. Especially since these same public opinions are increasingly sensitive to the rise in energy prices and could – perhaps – demand a rapid end to this war.

For all these reasons, Pierre Haski believes that “we must be careful not to forget Ukraine”. The columnist also believes that the journalistic coverage of this conflict is satisfactory, but he denounces on the other hand “the sound chaos of the analysis” on the continuous information channels with “experts who spoke yesterday about covid and who have become today absolute experts of Donbass”

“At the info counter” is the first native (audio) podcast of France Télévisions. In the form of a journalistic interview, an actor who produces public service television news — a major reporter, a cameraman, a presenter — comes to give himself up, tell, reveal the way he works. In a sound atmosphere of a coffee counter, he confides his doubts, his joys, but also his fears when he is on the ground or in the studio. Since May 2021, the podcast “At the info counter” has also received journalists from Radio France (France Inter, France Info, France Culture) at its microphone.

The series is produced by François Beaudonnet, editor-in-chief Europe, columnist for franceinfo (channel 27), senior reporter for France 2 and columnist for the program “Nous, les Européens” on France 3. Former correspondent in Rome and Brussels, he began on the radio where he presented the 1 p.m. news on France Inter.

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This episode was directed by Antonin Fajon

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