a fourth dose of vaccine for all at the start of the school year?



Article written by

M.-P.Samitier, C.Sinz, M.David, A.Lo Cascio, F.Bohn, C.Blanquart, A.Derhille – France 2

France Televisions

The Covid-19 is back, and the two BA-4 and BA-5 variants are plunging Germany, England and France back into questioning in the face of rising contamination figures. Will the 4th dose be necessary for everyone by the start of the school year?

The Omicron variant of Covid-19 is still around, along with the new BA-4 and BA-5 variants. With around 60,000 contaminations per day, is a fourth dose of vaccination needed for everyone? “It has a very important interest, to avoid severe forms, and that’s why it is recommended for people over 60”comments Professor Anne-Claude Crémieux, from the infectious and tropical diseases department at Saint-Louis Hospital (AP-HP).

Vaccination for older people can curb serious forms of the disease. Only 30% of people over 60 have already received the fourth dose. For the past few days, requests for this reminder have been increasing, according to general practitioners. Critical care admissions are up 12% in hospitals. Can pharmacists insure? “We can take orders much closer together. There are no more inventory problems”assures Philippe Besset, president of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions.

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