“There is no possible arrangement” with the government of Emmanuel Macron, according to Adrien Quatennens

“There is no possible settlement” with the government of Emmanuel Macron, “we have a mandate, that of being in the opposition”says Adrien Quatennens, coordinator of La France insoumise, deputy from the North, guest of Political Questions, Sunday June 26, on France Inter, franceinfo and Le Monde.

While Emmanuel Macron believes that La France insoumise, like the National Rally, is not “a government party”Adrien Quatennens replies that it is not a party “of his government, that’s clear” for he is in opposition and that, being in opposition, “in a democracy, it makes sense, you have to cherish it”. LFI deputies intend to oppose government texts “whenever they do not correspond to the idea that we have of the general interest”.

Adrien Quatennens believes”that there is no risk” that the communists or the socialists, who are part of the Nupes, agree to participate in the government coalition ranging from the Republicans to the PCF that Emmanuel Macron wishes. “And then, beyond the risk, it really wouldn’t make sense, it would be unreadable. (…) I think the first person who, within Nupes, would put a single finger in Emmanuel’s proposal Macron, it would be an absolute purge”he adds.

For Adrien Quatennens, coordinator of LFI, the President of the Republic has not learned the lessons of the “totally unique jacket” and some “bitter defeat” which he suffered in the June legislative elections, only two months after his re-election as head of state. He believes that it is up to Emmanuel Macron to work with the Assembly and the various parties that make it up, and not the other way around because “the Jupiterian era is over”.

For him, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, must “obviously” demand a vote of confidence from deputies. “It’s a tradition and it’s pretty essential.

“Governing cannot be a fact above ground. It cannot be a fact of the prince.”

Adrian Quattenens

Political issues

The member for the North leaves himself the possibility of presenting a motion of censure for “replace” the vote of confidence if the Prime Minister refuses to submit to it.

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