Work with combined employment and retirement

The combination of employment and retirement allows retirees from the general scheme to resume a professional activity and combine the income from this activity with their retirement pensions. The accumulation can be total or partial, depending on the situation of the retiree. The new activity no longer allows the acquisition of new pension rights.

You can liquidate your rights, then go back to work by adding retirement and professional income: this is the combination of employment and retirement. You have the freedom to choose your new activity.

You must first take stock with all your funds to see if you can benefit from the CER (cumulative employment-retirement) with or without resource limits.

What questions to ask?

– Is it better to continue one’s activity beyond the age of 62 (and the full rate) to generate new rights, therefore with a bonus system?
– Is it better to retire and restart an activity (CER)?

You can also return to your last employer, under conditions, to combine income and a pension.

– Have reached the minimum retirement age, at least 62 years old
– Benefit from a basic pension at the full rate or be of the age for the full rate, between 65 and 67 depending on your year of birth.
– You must have liquidated your pension rights with the various schemes.

When you do not meet the conditions giving you the right to cumulation
total employment-retirement, you can however resume:
– under certain conditions, a salaried activity in the private, public or agricultural sectors,
– or freely, a self-employed activity, or a salaried activity in another sector.

If you resume salaried activity with your last employer, the total
employment-retirement will only be possible 6 months after your cessation of activity with him and your admission to retirement. Failing this, the payment of your basic retirement pension will be suspended between the first day of the month of resumption of activity and the last day of the month of cessation of activity or the last day of the sixth month following your retirement.

When you do not meet the conditions giving you the right to full employment-retirement, and you resume a professional activity, you must inform your pension fund within the month following the date of resumption of this activity.

On retirement platforms like or Optimaretirement

Pôle Emploi, Interim, TeePy Job, Seniors at your service, Land of Seniors…

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