to avoid waste, cook from leftover food



Article written by

J. Wild, T. Paga, F. Daireaux, G. Sabin, L. Le Moigne, R. Gardeux, P. Limpens – franceinfo

France Televisions

Many French people make a habit of cooking their leftovers, both to avoid wasting food and to save money. Applications and restaurants support the process.

To save money, Clara and Alexis Poumailloux cook meals with leftovers from their fridge. At 28, these young architects have found a way to fight inflation. On an app, they type in all the food they have left. “Before, we didn’t not at all. We were doing our shopping on a day-to-day basis, and we realized that we were spending a lot of money“, explains Clara. They now say they are making significant savings.

With the rise in prices, apps for cooking with leftovers are very popular. In Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), Sébastien Burel has created more than 5,000 video recipes. Today, he is making a zucchini and aubergine gratin. Up to 12,000 people consult his site every day, and his attendance has jumped 20% since the start of 2022. He mentions reasons of budget and the fight against waste. In order not to throw away its leftovers, a Parisian restaurant also sells its unsold items on an application. The dish thus costs 5 euros, instead of 10 euros.

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