“Bravitude”, “Zadig and Voltaire”, “pain au chocolat”… the biggest dumplings of politicians!

“In history, there are good guys who are nice, and bad guys who are bad. Thank you for this subtle reminder, Ms. Sandrine Rousseau. And congratulations to the History teachers who accompanied you to the Baccalaureate…“It is in these words that the TV star Mac Lesggy had teased the deputy Nupes of Paris, a few days ago. Before that, many politicians have already been the laughing stock of the general public, on rather easy subjects. our selection.

Nicolas Sarkozy
In November 2008, during a speech to Daher workers in Montrichard: “[…] Madam Senator, Mr. Senator, and all those who are important, good morning.

Frederic Lefebvre
In 2011, he explained that the book that had marked him the most was “ Zadig and Voltaire because it’s a lesson in life and I dive back into it quite often”.

Nadine Morano
In 2011, after a question about the Renault company and its boss Carlos Ghosn, the Minister in charge of Learning had launched: “ I like Renaud on some songs, not all. This one I don’t know, I can’t tell you if I like it or not..

Anne Hidalgo
During the 2022 presidential campaign, on the Web, his team published: “ Anne Hidalgo, is the first candidate to collect 500 sponsorships »

Christiane Taubira
Also campaigning to represent the left in the presidential election, the youth brochures with Taubira shared on the Web were full of mistakes: “The people are (sic) tired of being left out”, “We accept debate, controversy (sic)”, “organic products (sic)” and “We cannot not let officials get mistreated (sic) 5 more years”.

Myriam El Khomri
The Minister of Labor had admitted not knowing the number of possible renewals of CDD, in 2015. She was then entangled on the question of Jean-Jacques Bourdin on BFMTV and RMC.

Ségolène Royal
Presidential candidate, she said: “Who comes to the Great Wall conquers bravery”during his trip to China in 2007.

Sandrine Rousseau
“Congratulations to you for the wonderful campaign you have done and done! I can tell you that everyone talks to me about it”after his victory in the 2022 legislative elections in the 13th arrondissement of the capital.

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem
Visiting a hospital in Lorient in 2012, the Minister for Women’s Rights asked a doctor “Do the children who come here manage to create such a bond of trust that they want to see you again later?” And his interlocutor responds with a smile: “So I don’t, since I’m a medical examiner”.

Martine Aubry
At the National Office of the PS, on February 3, 2010, the mayor of Lille declared: “I invite everyone to show responsibility, to make an effort. I ask you to be circumcised“.

Marion Maréchal-Le Pen
For her victory in the regional elections in PACA, the far-right politician declared on Twitter, December 2015: “We won! Thank you all!”

Francois Bayrou
In 2007, the centrist said: “If I am elected, nothing will change in France”.

Jean-Francois Cope
On Europe 1 in 2016, he was asked:“How much does a pain au chocolat cost?” He has answered : “It depends on the sizes. It must be around 10 or 15 euro cents. I won’t buy it very often, it’s caloric“.

Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet
She who has known « moments ” of grace in the Paris metro, was unable to give the price of a ticket, nor in 2012 (“ 4 euros and some ”) nor in 2015 (“I always knew how much a Navigo pass cost, and that day I foolishly tried to give the price for the ticket, with a calculation which, moreover, proves that polytechnicians are not so good at mental arithmetic”, “Le pass is always just under 70 euros”.)


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