They are brand ambassadors and spokespersons for different causes, but do stars have to be perfect to perform such roles? The stars have a huge power of attraction, but do they have to be irreproachable?
“Yes”, answers without hesitation the agent of artists Marc-André Globensky, who takes care of artists like Yves Desgagnés, Hugo Giroux, Noémie Yelle and Natasha Kanapé Fontaine. As an agent, he warns his artists, because they are constantly judged by the public, especially on social networks. “They always have to be nice, in a good mood, and smiling, because there are criticisms and comments coming from all sides at all times,” he explains.

Caroline Lacroix, professor of marketing at the ESG UQAM School of Management Sciences
According to Caroline Lacroix, professor of marketing at the ESG UQAM School of Management Sciences, it is impossible to be perfect. ” Perfection does not exist ! It is a goal that we cannot achieve and we will not recognize ourselves in this type of speech. Imperfection is also a strength, she believes. “Millennials will say : I’m not perfect, and that kind of talk resonates a lot with them. »She cites the example of Lili Reinhart, the actress of the series Riverdale who has always spoken very openly about his depression.
“We ask the stars to be perfect in an imperfect world, so it is certain that they will burn their fingers”, explains Luc Dupont, professor of communications at the University of Ottawa.
Today, you have to be an environmentalist, a vegetarian, eat light, no longer drink alcohol, but at the same time, not be too fit. It has no end. I think it is increasingly risky for a brand to associate with a public figure.
Luc Dupont, professor of communications at the University of Ottawa
A risk to take
According to Arnaud Granata, president of Infopresse, if brands appeal to personalities, artists or athletes as spokespersons, it is because their credibility and their index of confidence in public opinion are far from higher than those of companies. “I think the benefits are much greater than the damage they could create. Brands are prepared to live with some risk. It also depends on the type of contract, whether it is a one-off partnership or a commitment over a few years. “With a brand of cars, where the amount of money will be important, that comes with responsibilities. ”

Kate Moss on the front page of Daily Mirror
Caroline Lacroix recalls the scandals of Kate Moss, linked to drugs, and those of Tiger Woods, in connection with his infidelities, which occurred in the past. “Tiger Woods, for example, in 2009, during the moral scandal, he did not lose all his sponsors, Nike had decided to support him rather than punish him,” she underlines. It is the human dimension that emerges, we can get through a storm, but it all depends on what it is, because there are things that we cannot forgive. ”
She believes companies should take the time to get to know their spokesperson well before choosing them. “It’s like a wedding! You want to know who you’re going to live with and make the relationship last a long time! », Adds Caroline Lacroix.
The impact of social media
In recent years, social networks have obviously changed the game. “Artists are constantly in the public eye. They have to pay attention to everything, not to express an opinion, not to make mistakes, because we no longer forgive and we do not always have a second chance. The fact remains that when you agree to be a spokesperson, you have to know that you must behave in an exemplary manner, ”notes Marc-André Globensky.
Luc Dupont notes that the smallest detail escapes no one and that the stars are criticized for nothing. “It’s the moral police, there are artists who are in the right group, and the others in the wrong”, thinks the professor, an expert in marketing and new media.
There are some who will make a mistake, but if they are in the right group, they will be forgiven, but others who are on the wrong side will not.
Luc Dupont, professor of communications at the University of Ottawa
Without being perfect, stars must be aware of the image they convey and shape, believes Arnaud Granata. “They must be extra vigilant and not take sides on political issues. ”
He recognizes that the atmosphere on social networks is very tense. “In recent years, there has been a greater polarization, people react very quickly on social networks. There is an animosity that makes it so that celebrities can get set on fire. The climate is toxic. ”