“a political message sent to Vladimir Putin”



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Ukraine is a candidate to join the European Union on Thursday 23 June. In duplex from Brussels (Belgium) in the 23h of Franceinfo, the journalist Pascal Verdeau returns to this consensus found by the Twenty-Seven.

Ukraine obtained EU candidate status on Thursday 23 June. In duplex from Brussels (Belgium) for Franceinfo 11 p.m., journalist Pascal Verdeau indicates that a few minutes before the press conference, he met Emmanuel Macron and Ursula Von Der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, who “looked over the moon, very accomplices, in any case very happy with this consensus found between the Twenty-Seven but also with this political message sent to Vladimir Putin: one day, Ukraine will anchor itself to the European continent. But beware, recalled the French president, this process will be demanding”he reports.

Other countries are also waiting to become candidates for the European Union. “I can tell you that this official status granted to Moldova and Ukraine arouses in some Balkan countries I would say old anger, old resentment because some have been in the antechamber of the European Union for more than 20 years. This is particularly the case of North Macedonia, whose candidacy has been blocked by Bulgaria for years, due to old historical and cultural disputes”recalls Pascal Verdeau.

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