Jauffrey (Married at first sight) not sincere? What caught Cyndie’s ears

The Married at First Sight 2022 adventure was a failure for Cyndie (33, beautician) and Jauffrey (39, lifeguard, swimming coach and former high-level swimmer), 76% compatible. If they were very accomplices from their meeting in Gibraltar, the young woman quickly realized that her husband was not a man made for her. She notably criticized him for not being calm or not being interested in her during the honeymoon. She even doubted his sincerity. So many things that made him want to divorce.

On June 23, Cyndie organized a live on Instagram to answer questions from her subscribers. The opportunity to discover that it was she who made the decision to register for the show in order to find the man of her life. She therefore set aside a year of her life to devote herself entirely to it. “I made sure not to meet anyone, I removed myself from the dating sites I had, I hardly went out“, she said on the social network.

But the situation would have been very different on the side of Jauffrey. According to the beautiful brunette, he had initially not planned to participate in Married at first sight. “He was cast, he didn’t want to do the show, he said no”, she assured. Upon learning of it, Cyndie therefore wondered “if he really wanted to get married“.”I doubted his sinceritythe fact that he was cast, that he didn’t want to, and that in the end he did it“, she continued. That’s not all, the great friend of Frédérick Bousquet and Florent Manaudou even thought his wife was an actress.

As if that weren’t enough, their relationship would have “quickly degenerated” the day after the wedding. What make Cyndie think that their relationship was not going to last. She would then have had a discussion with Jauffrey which would not have been broadcast. Despite everything, the young woman does not regret having participate in this experience.”I think I would have done it with less expectation if I had known all that, I wouldn’t have put so much energy into it actually. But I’m glad I did“, she details.

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