the singer separated from her last baby and she explains…

In December 2021, Vitaa announced great news to its fans. Pregnant with her third child, the star had chosen to share this moment of happiness with her community. A few months later, she finally revealed the images of her childbirth. ” Noah, 4/10/22. Praise to you Lord for having filled me once again with the most beautiful of your Creatures. May you protect our doll from this low world and fill her with your benefits “wrote the interpreter of the title” À fleur de toi “on April 13, 2022.

A publication that had not failed to delight its fans who were thousands to like and comment on the post. On May 15, Vitaa also confided in her postpartum. ” Pregnancy then childbirth… Postpartum then breastfeeding… It’s not an easy period, those who have experienced it know it well… “, indicated the sidekick of Diam’s on his Instagram account before adding: “ ACCEPT that it will take some time, especially after your thirties, to get your body back. BREASTFEEDING (even for a very short time) for me is essential for my child, and for me because I take so much pleasure in it, I could not have deprived myself of it. Not to mention the benefits on the healing of the uterus and the fact that the stomach becomes almost flat again in 10 days…” And to conclude: “The main thing is to take the time to find yourself and not to do violence to yourself. , go easy. Everything in its time “.

A difficult separation

Now in great shape, Vitaa has returned to the stage. And it is in the company of Slimane that the young woman travels through France for the VersuS tour. Despite the performances, the singer does not leave her daughter with a sole. Indeed, the latter accompanies it in all the cities in which it occurs. Unfortunately, this Thursday, June 23, Vitaa had to part with her little bundle of joy for the first time.

In tears, she explained the situation on social networks. ” Direction Lille… First time I leave my doll. I cried like a sock I tell you not… 2 days seems like an eternity to me “said the mother of Noa, Liham and Adam while appearing shot in Instagram story.


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