Opposed to a government of national unity, Emmanuel Macron opens the door to compromise



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During a televised address on Wednesday June 22, Emmanuel Macron rejected the idea of ​​a government of national unity and could do so on a case-by-case basis depending on the texts.

Emmanuel Macron spoke on Wednesday June 22 in a televised address of less than ten minutes. He told the French that “to act in your interest and in that of the nation, we must collectively learn to govern and legislate differently”. Deprived of an absolute majority in the National Assembly, the head of state faces a political headache. After meeting the party leaders, he rejects the idea of ​​a government of national unity. He then evokes the possibilities of either building “a coalition contract”, either build “majorities text by text”.

On the side of the Republicans, Christian Jacob has already rejected the idea of ​​a coalition. The case by case could then become the solution: whether with certain LR deputies for retirement at 65, with the socialists on the law concerning purchasing power or the National Rally on other texts. Emmanuel Macron gives political parties ten days to decide. Next week, the group presidents in the National Assembly will be received by the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne.

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