how Greece and Italy are organizing in the face of the epidemic recovery

Rise in cases, new variants, return of the mask, Europe will experience a new summer period in cohabitation with the coronavirus. In France, contaminations have jumped by almost 50%, with nearly 44,000 cases of new infections per day on average. A recovery carried by new sub-variants of Omicron which impose a certain vigilance.

Head to Greece and Italy to take stock of their way of coping with this epidemic recovery.

The government is showing great serenity in the face of the increase in contamination and deaths. A position reinforced by the reports of the pro-government media which speak much more of the influx of tourists than of what is happening in the hospitals. As of mid-June, Greece lifted all anti-covid prevention measures in order to facilitate the arrival of tourists. The liberal government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis is counting on tourism to cope with inflation which has reached 9%, unheard of for decades.

However, the lifting of anti-covid measures (the pass is no longer compulsory to enter the country, there is no longer a mask in nightclubs, taverns, bars, discos and other places of rejoicing) is disputed. by doctors while cases of contamination and deaths are daily. According to the latest estimates, 20 to 30 million tourists are expected and the medical profession fears a new outbreak of contamination, as was the case last year when health measures were lifted just as early.

Especially since the lifting of health measures does not seem to have been compensated by appropriate medical decisions. There are still around 1,000 intensive care beds intended to accommodate the local population and tourists. If the latter are as numerous as expected, it is not much. Especially since tourists positive for Covid-19 will have to be isolated. The risk of a lack of space is high, especially in the islands that are very popular with visitors. In addition, we must not forget that the medical staff is chronically understaffed and that hiring has not followed.

Despite everything, the government does not remain inactive. He multiplies free tests in the country, intensifies the wave of third vaccination in the tourism sector and begins to speak of a fourth dose for the elderly. Wearing a mask in the medical sector and retirement homes is maintained, but not in taxis. Finally, in boats that go to the islands, wearing a mask is only compulsory from a certain level of filling, but admittedly this measure is not respected. Critics of the government believe that lifting health measures so soon is tantamount to playing Russian roulette. This waiver will only be reviewed next September.

“Remember that the Covid has not disappeared and is not going on vacation”, keep repeating the health authorities in Italy. It must be said that the number of new cases has jumped by 65% ​​in one week and that hospitals are recording around fifty virus-related deaths per day. 619,000 Italians are currently in quarantine, or 50,000 more in 48 hours. At this rate, there will be a million of them in isolation next week.

The contagions are increasing, but the symptoms are mild, retort the optimists. The government nevertheless prefers to relaunch an appeal for a sense of responsibility. With the holidays approaching, the number of contagions will most certainly experience a further sharp increase. The Ministry of Health recommends greater attention to traditional barrier gestures. If the obligation to wear a mask has been lifted almost everywhere, that of wearing an FFP2 mask remains in force in public transport at least until September 30.

It is above all on the vaccination campaign that the Italian authorities are putting the emphasis. They want to relaunch that of the most fragile people, to hear those over 80 years old. So far, only 20% of them have received a fourth dose. A new vaccination campaign will start in September, but from next month a plan to protect the over-50s will be developed. A fourth or fifth dose will be offered. Nearly 28 million people, 93% of whom have already received two doses, are affected.

More broadly, the Ministry of Health plans to introduce an annual vaccine booster, at least for those most at risk, similar to what is already done for the flu. Failing to defeat the Covid-19, it would make it possible to live with it.

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