“Le Point” withdraws an article on Alexis Corbière and Raquel Garrido, the couple maintains their complaint for “defamation”

In an article published in the magazine “Le Point”, then withdrawn, the elected couple is accused of having employed a cleaning lady without a residence permit.

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Point backtracks. The weekly withdrew from its site Thursday, June 23 an article published the day before on Alexis Corbière and Raquel Garrido. The elected couple from La France insoumise were accused of employing a cleaning lady without a residence permit. “Everything is false”reacted the couple on Twitter, stating that they were charging “immediately” his lawyer “to respond judicially to this attack”.

Etienne Gernelle, the director of the weekly, announced on Twitter the withdrawal of the article. “The additional checks we carried out revealed to us that errors and breaches of caution had been made”, he justifies. He adds that an investigation is continuing. “to understand what happened” and presents its “flat and sincere apologies” to Alexis Corbière and Raquel Garrido.

In addition to these accusations, the journalist author of the investigation, Aziz Zemouri, had posted screenshots on Twitter showing messages attributed to Raquel Garrido and his employee. A “assembly”defended the chosen one in Release.

On Twitter, several journalists had expressed doubts about the information reported by Point. Olivier Tesquet, specialist in digital issues for the magazine Teleramawondered about the social network : “Coarse conjugation errors, profile photo identical to that of his Twitter account, this exchange has been authenticated?”

After the deletion of the article, the couple confirms the maintenance of their complaint. “I will not stop there. I do not forgive that he took it out on our children. My family has suffered too much. The damage caused is indelible”, writing Raquel Garrido, who requests the dismissal “immediate” of the journalist author of the article. “VSit cannot stop there. The whole profession is concerned. It is the honor of the profession that is at stake and the trust that citizens place in the press. Sanctions must be imposed”reacts for his part Alexis Corbière on Twitter.

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