The Flow of Gabarriers in Charente with Grégory Lécrevisse

This is a unique event in France supported by France Bleu La Rochelle, Le Flow Des Gabarriers was born from the return to Charente of a Cognaçais whose passion for open water was forged during more than ten years in Australia. The discipline, very popular in this country where the majority of the population lives near the coasts is in full development in France. Our regions have many magnificent bodies of water that lend themselves perfectly to this activity. And this is the case of our beautiful Charente river.
The Charente, will welcome its first “Gabarriers” this Saturday, June 25, 2022 as part of an exceptional day including 3 swimming courses and a buoy descent just to laugh.

The longest open water marathon without stage organized in France. A 33 km route between the towns of Châteauneuf-sur-Charente and Cognac, it crosses more than 12 villages bordered by the river and steeped in history. Stories of barges especially with the Village of Saint Simon located a few kilometers from the start.

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