A flagship candidate of the program spends a nightmarish evening and ends up in the emergency room!

After the rapper Jul, the Vélodrome stadium in Marseille welcomed another child from the city, Soprano. On June 18 and 19, the singer offered two breathtaking performances for the tens of thousands of people who flocked to attend the show. Cindy Van Der Auwera had to be there. Fan of the ex-coach of The Voice, the mother of Camille, Hoani, Temoe, Vaitea, Colleen, Maxence, Loti, Eimeo, Tamahere, Hinaiti and Vainui had to change, despite herself, her program at the last minute. But what happened? In story, on his account instagramthe candidate for Large Families, life in XXL on TF1 told it all. “I was supposed to speak to you again yesterday, but as you can see, it was impossible. Last night I went to the emergency room, after work. Saturday, before the Soprano concert, I tripped over the security barriers”she explained, Tuesday, June 21, the day of the Fête de la Musique.

A simple hematoma in the leg occurred, which did not scare Sébastien’s wife. But her concern appeared when she noticed that her elbow was causing her great pain and that it had doubled in size. “It’s a bone lesion at the elbow with an effusion of blood in the joint”she explained as soon as she went to the emergency room and that she had to pass an X-ray.

She will have to wear a splint and review her entire organization…“I will have a memory of your Sopra concert. You have to take it on the bright side. But don’t worry, I’m fine. I keep smiling”, she concluded. Last month, Cindy Van Der Auwera had to go to the hospital for surgery. If she had explained having to be absent for a few days, she had not given more details.

See also: Camille Santoro (Large families): Struck by two illnesses, she delivers a sad story

Frederic Faussurier

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