an explosion in the number of cycling victims in May 2022



Article written by

AC. Roth, S. Guillaumin, M. Petit-Jean, B. Poulain, F. Bohn, PM. From La Foata – France 3

France Televisions

Cyclists are the most vulnerable on the road. French authorities observed an explosion in the number of victims in May 2022.

The French have never been so numerous to pedal. Thirty million of them are regular or occasional cyclists, which exposes them to road accidents. “I assume that no one sees me, so I have to pay attention to everything that happens”, explains one of them. The association of bicycle users has identified a million points of unclear regulation in France.

In May 2022, 22 cyclists were killed in France, four times more than in May 2019, before the health crisis. Damien Julliard, Deputy Ministerial Delegate for Road Safety, explains this leap as follows: “The most important explanation is the deterioration in the behavior of all users, and not just cyclists.” Among cyclists, a third die alone, falling, often without their helmet. That’s why it remains highly recommended.

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