After being violently criticized, Jennifer (Married at first sight) delivers major explanations and evokes sequences never shown!

In the last episode of “Married at first sight” broadcast last Monday June 20 on M6, we learned that Cyndie and Jauffrey were divorcing, when in reality, we were lied to, they already were. “There are things you learn on the balance sheet, it’s, I think, acting. I didn’t go there when I learned of our separation, we were separated. We separated the night I came to his house. We had a big argument and the next day we discussed it, saying that it was useless, that our expectations were not at all the same. I wanted to experience this without being disillusioned. When it’s not right, it’s not right. We would never have been happy together, we don’t have the same expectations of a couple at all”Cyndie said in an interview with Tele-Leisure. But during this episode, we also learned some good news: Jennifer and Eddy remain married against all odds!

In an interview given to Tele-LeisureJennifier made some big revelations about her journey. “I don’t really know yet what decision I’m going to make. I was torn between going to the end of things and trying because I came across someone very good and the fact that I didn’t I didn’t want to waste his time. I didn’t want to hurt him. I didn’t know what I was going to decide.”, she confided in her state of mind before taking stock. A doubt that the bride to justify by “life at 200 an hour” and “family problems”.

So it was a big surprise for viewers who were expecting a breakup. The fault with the assembly explains Jennifer. There are a lot of cut scenes Sadly”she said, while between the two the alchemy was there. “With Eddy, we really saw our compatibility. She was very strong on everything: our way of life, our way of thinking… The feeling and the connection were there”. Unfortunately, it earned him a lot of criticism from viewers… “When people tell me ‘you were mean to him’, in fact not at all! I have always been kind to Eddy, as he has been elsewhere. I thought it would be a shame not to get to the bottom of things, Eddy is a very good person”.

Laura Bertrand

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