the Élysée seeks how to deal with an unprecedented National Assembly



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Monday, June 20, the day after the second round of the legislative elections, the journalist Guillaume Daret is live from the Élysée, while the executive has lost its absolute majority in the National Assembly.

“Emmanuel Macron seems determined to take matters into his own hands”, indicates the journalist Guillaume Daret, live from the Élysée Palace (Paris), Monday, June 20. The day before, the results of the second round of the legislative elections caused the presidential group to lose an absolute majority. Christian Jacob, boss of the Les Républicains party, would have been invited for an interview, Tuesday, June 21, by the President of the Republic.

“It would therefore seem that the Head of State has decided to consult the bosses of the parties represented in the National Assembly”, continues the journalist. However, this information is not confirmed. A lunch had been organized around Emmanuel Macron in order to think about a strategy. “There was Edouard Philippe, there was François Bayrou and the Prime Minister. They tried to find solutions to this unprecedented situation”, concludes Guillaume Daret. The replacement of Elisabeth Borne is, for the moment, not envisaged.

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