Jamel Debbouze puts a wind to the Macron government!

He has just brilliantly completed his 10th Marrakech du Rire. For ten years, Jamel Debbouze has brought together the cream of humor in the Moroccan city to offer several days of shows. Athletes, actors, and even singing stars, answer the call and spend memorable evenings. This is an important moment for all comedians, which allows them to be highlighted and make themselves known to the general public.

But Mélissa Theuriau’s companion does not only send his little proteges on stage. Indeed, for ten years, they have also been asking the “leaders” of the community to come and give advice to the youngest and come and make the spectators laugh. Camille Lellouche, for example, despite her belly rounded by pregnancy, made the trip to Marrakech to come and lend a hand to Jamel Debbouze as evidenced by their accomplice snapshot posted on their social networks.

Jamel at the Elysée or the National Assembly?

On the other hand, no deputy or minister at the MDR 2022. However, if the companion of Mélissa Theuriau had accepted a recent proposal, this could well have happened. Indeed, the comedian would have been entitled to a proposal to join the government of Emmanuel Macron as he revealed in an interview with the Sunday newspaper in July 2018. “I declined a post of secretary of state”, he revealed in the columns of our colleagues. However, Ramzy Bedia’s friend did not wish to give more information.

“If I tell you more, we will only remember that. I do the work of the Ministries of Culture, Youth and Labor with the Jamel Comedy Club”, advanced Jamel Debbouze to justify that a position in the government would be of no use to him. But a year earlier, he had already declined a similar offer. “It’s obviously not my job, because I would be bored to death there, because that’s where I would be the least effective, the most frozen and the most criticized”, he explained.

See also: Jamel Debbouze and Melissa Debbouze at 19/45 of M6


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