(Quebec) Nearly 200 unvaccinated healthcare workers have been suspended without pay for refusing to undergo mandatory testing for COVID-19, according to a compilation made by Press. For the past month, healthcare workers who have not been adequately vaccinated must be tested three times a week.
In all, 19 health facilities have agreed to publish the number of employees who have been suspended without pay since the decree on mandatory screening of unvaccinated caregivers took effect on October 15. According to the most recent data, at least 182 workers have been suspended in the province.
The CISSS des Laurentides tops the list, with a total of 40 suspended employees. By way of comparison, the five CIUSSS on the island of Montreal have 62. In Abitibi-Témiscamingue, 10 employees have left. There are 8 at the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale and 5 in Chaudière-Appalaches.
The CIUSSS du Center-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal noted an increase after the Legault government gave up on imposing compulsory vaccination on October 27. The number of suspensions went from 4 to 12 in a few days. This obviously remains marginal, the CIUSSS employing 22,000 workers.
“What is certain is that we, as an establishment, will observe very strictly [les règles de dépistage] to ensure the safety of our users and our staff, ”said spokesperson Jean-Nicolas Aubé. At the CIUSSS du Center-Sud, 466 employees are still not vaccinated.

According to the ministerial decree, employees who have not received their two doses of COVID-19 vaccine must be tested outside of working hours.
It is certain that with these measures, people who have not been vaccinated, well, they face more pressure.
Jean-Nicolas Aubé, spokesperson for the CIUSSS du Center-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
It should be noted that the data evolves a lot. For example, at the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, there were 40 caregivers affected by the measures of the decree as of October 15, but 26 agreed to be vaccinated or to resume screening. To date, 14 workers still refused to be tested three times a week.
“Considering that these employees come from different teams, we have not noticed any impact on care and services,” said the spokesperson for the establishment, Valérie Lafleur. The CIUSSS employs more than 17,000 people.
Requested facilitating conditions
The FSSS-CSN agrees with regular screening for unvaccinated workers, but would like the CISSS and CIUSSS to harmonize their practices. According to its president, Jeff Begley, some establishments use rapid screening tests, while others send their employees to screening clinics.
Sometimes these clinics are tens of kilometers from the workplace, says Begley.
The application should not be to punish [les employés]. We must facilitate as much as possible [le dépistage] to retain those employees we need and to make sure we are protecting everyone.
Jeff Begley, President of the FSSS-CSN
The union confirms that no member has submitted a request to challenge the suspension since October 15. If this happens, the FSSS-CSN will conduct a case-by-case analysis, said Mr. Begley.
Professor at the School of Public Health of the University of Montreal Roxane Borgès Da Silva admits that screening three times a week “is restrictive”, but it is the only way, apart from vaccination, to “preserve patients and avoid an outbreak ”in the health care setting.
“What we understand is that these people [qui refusent d’être testés même s’ils ne sont pas vaccinés] have an ideology and values that do not adhere to the basic principle of health care which is prevention, so it’s a bit disappointing, ”she lamented.