ask your questions to pollster Mathieu Gallard, the day after the second round

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6:02 p.m. : In favor of Elisabeth Borne, there is the fact that she has only been at Matignon for a month. His resignation would be a complicated signal to send for Emmanuel Macron. Especially since this is only the second time that a woman has won the post of Prime Minister.

6:02 p.m. : Against Elisabeth Borne at Matignon, there is this score which is very disappointing for the presidential majority. It shows that it has failed to breathe new life into the Macronist camp. Moreover, his own result in his constituency is quite disappointing. She obtains 52.5% while the outgoing deputy LREM was elected in 2017 with 68.3% of the vote. Moreover, the results show that the presidential majority may have to rely on Les Républicains to govern. It may be difficult for them to accept a prime minister who is not from the right.

6:01 p.m. : Hello Mr. Gallard, here is my question: on the one hand, Mrs Borne was elected but on the other, the presidential majority (of which she is the leader) loses the absolute majority. What are the arguments for/against his retention as Prime Minister? Thank you good night!

6:01 p.m. : It’s exactly 6 p.m., so it’s time to take stock of the news.

First disagreement in the union. The PS, EELV and the PCF rejected Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s proposal to the Nupes parties to constitute “only one opposition group in Parliament”.

“No LR deputy will vote for confidence in the government”, announced Christian Jacob. There will not be “of pact or coalition with the government” according to the president of the Les Républicains party, while Together! might need the right-wing party to pass laws.

• Limited transit to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad is in line with “European sanctions”, according to the Lithuanian Foreign Minister. Russian diplomacy had denounced earlier in the day the introduction of restrictions “hostile” on rail transit, via Lithuania, of goods to the Russian enclave.

• Thirty-one departments remain on orange alert for storms and heat waves by Météo France.

5:55 p.m. : This personalization is partly justified and had an important electoral impact, even if it was not only positive for the left. There are undoubtedly some right-wing voters who were frightened by the prospect of Mélenchon entering Matignon as Prime Minister. This explains this mixed end result.

5:55 p.m. : On the second point, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was given an important role during the legislative campaign because it was still him who was the linchpin of the establishment of the Nupes. Thanks to his score in the first round of the presidential election, he showed that the left remained an important force in France. It’s hard to imagine that the different components of the left could have united without him. And without this union of the left, the various parties that make it up would probably have received much lower scores.

6:01 p.m. : Indeed, there is a fairly strong concordance between the results of the first round of the presidential election and the final results of these legislative elections. The surprise is linked to the fact that the legislative voting system, a majority ballot, tends to achieve large majorities. This was almost always the case under the Fifth Republic. Few observers expected the majority to be so relative for Together!. That’s the main surprise of the election.

6:00 p.m. : Hello. Mr Gallard. It seems to me that the legislative elections give the Assembly the same configuration as the presidential one. Macron 1st, Le Pen 2nd and Mélenchon 3rd (and of course big abstention). Why are politicians and journalists surprised? Another question: why do we give a role to Mélenchon who is neither a minister nor a deputy? Thanks.

5:59 p.m. : Hello all ! We are pleased to welcome Mathieu Gallard, director of studies for the polling institute Ipsos, to this live broadcast. My colleague Pauline Lecouvé and I are online with him to ask your questions about the second round of legislative elections and the new National Assembly.

5:58 p.m. : New faces in the hemicycle. By obtaining 133 deputies (according to the calculations of franceinfo) during the second round of the legislative elections, the Nupes will weigh more in the next National Assembly. Franceinfo has selected ten elected officials who could well animate the Palais-Bourbon.

5:58 p.m. : Our chat with Mathieu Gallard, director of studies at the Ipsos institute, will start in just over 15 minutes. He will be there to answer your questions and analyze the results of the second round of the legislative elections. Your keyboards !

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