Ferrand, Quatennens, Roussel, Maracineanu, Odoul… What are the scores of political figures in the second round?

Former ministers, outgoing deputies, ex-presidential candidates… Several leading political figures played big, Sunday June 19, during the second round of the legislative elections. Some were running for parliament for the first time, others were seeking re-election. Who was eliminated? Who is qualified? Franceinfo takes stock.

>> Follow the latest information on the second round of legislative

In the presidential majority

• Christophe Castaner loses in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence

Before the first round, Christophe Castaner, leader of the LREM deputies, was a favorite in the 2nd constituency of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. But it is his rival, Léo Walter (Nupes), school principal unionized at SNUipp, who will sit in the National Assembly, after winning 51.49% of the vote against 48.51% for the former Minister of Interior. On the evening of the first round, Sunday June 12, Christophe Castaner had only 292 small votes in advance, a margin which proved insufficient in the second round. This is the cold shower for the former minister, who wanted to keep the head of the LREM parliamentary group in the event of re-election.

• Richard Ferrand falls from his perch in Finistère

Disappointment also for another figure of the macronie. The President of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, took “deed” of his defeat in the legislative elections in the 6th constituency of Finistère. He obtained 49.15% of the vote, according to the results published by the Ministry of the Interior, against 50.85% for Mélanie Thomin, the candidate of Nupes (about 800 votes only). Richard Ferrand came first in the first round, by a short head (33.56% against 31.16%), but the balance of power was reversed on Sunday. He addressed his congratulations” to her rival and wished her “wishes you every success”.

>> Discover all the results of the second round, constituency by constituency

• Eric Woerth re-elected in Oise under his new colors

The ex-LR Eric Woerth is re-elected in the Oise and becomes a deputy of the presidential majority. Nicolas Sarkozy’s former budget minister won 54.35% of the vote in his 4th constituency of Oise, which has the distinction of being the only one in the department to have placed Emmanuel Macron in the lead in both rounds of the presidential election. . Eric Woerth faced the candidate of the National Rally Audrey Havez, who obtained 45.65% of the vote. He will serve a fourth consecutive term in the Assembly.

• Barbara Pompili wins in the Somme

Outgoing MP and former Minister for Ecological Transition Barbara Pompili was re-elected in the 2nd constituency of the Somme. She won 53.13% of the vote against the Nupes candidate, Zahia Hamdane (46.87%). The former number three in the government of Jean Castex and Minister for Ecological Transition came second in the first round.

Roxana Maracineanu beaten by Rachel Keke in Val-de-Marne

The former Minister Delegate for Sports lost her duel in the 7th constituency of Val-de-Marne. Roxana Maracineanu lost (49.7%) to chambermaid Rachel Keke (50.3%), CGT activist and figure in the historic strike against the Accor group, invested by Nupes. Only 177 votes made it possible to decide between the two women.

• In Seine-et-Marne, Frédéric Valletoux ends up winning a seat

Candidate for the legislative elections in 2007 and 2012, the mayor of Fontainebleau had already failed twice. Frédéric Valletoux finally succeeds in his bet, under the colors of Horizons, the party of Edouard Philippe, by winning (57.42%) the 2nd constituency of Seine-et-Marne against his rival Marie-Pierre Molina (Nupes). “It’s a half-hearted victory”he said on franceinfo, in reference to the national scores of the majority. The deputy, also president of the Hospital Federation of France, will give up his place as mayor, which he has held since 2005.

Within Nupes

• Delphine Batho keeps her seat in Deux-Sèvres

Outgoing MP Delphine Batho, dubbed by Nupes, retains her seat in the 2nd constituency of Deux-Sèvres. It is renewed with 57.88% of the votes in front of the candidate of Together! Cecilia Rochefort (42.12%). The former protégé of Ségolène Royal, who then moved to EELV, is the only opposition candidate to obtain a seat in the department, since the two other constituencies of Deux-Sèvres have been retained by the majority (Bastien Marchive in the 1st and Jean-Marie Fiévet in the 3rd).

• Adrien Quatennens leaves for a second term in the North

The outgoing deputy won his re-election (65.24%) in the “queen” of Lille constituencies, the 1st, which brings together the heart of Lille and several working-class districts of the metropolis. Last Sunday, he had already collected 52% of the votes in the first round and could have won if the turnout had been higher. Adrien Quatennens resisted the postponement of votes to easily win against Vanessa Duhamel, a centrist trader who was invested by LREM.

• Boris Vallaud is re-elected in the Landes, a socialist stronghold

Outgoing socialist deputy Boris Vallaud won the second round in the 3rd constituency of Landes, a socialist bastion since 1978. He won ahead of candidate Jean-François Broquères (Together!), with 59.93% of the vote against 40.07 %. Boris Vallaud had recovered in 2017 the seat of Henri Emmanuelli, a socialist figure, who died a few weeks before the legislative ballot. He has been one of the six PS spokespersons for four years now.

• Fabien Roussel does not lose the North

Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the PCF, was reappointed as head of the 20th district of the North, winning with 54.5% of the vote against the RN candidate Guillaume Florquin (45.5%). A relief for the former communist presidential candidate, heckled during this election. His rival had followed him on the evening of the first round, with 32.62% of the vote against 34.15% for the outgoing Communist deputy. “This election was for me like a first election”he said during his thanks. “We have fulfilled part of the mission since the head of state “will not have an absolute majority”he congratulated himself.

• The baker Stéphane Ravacley beaten in the Doubs

The baker of Besançon Stéphane Ravacley, candidate invested by Nupes under the colors of EELV, was beaten in the 2nd district of Doubs by the outgoing deputy of the presidential majority, Eric Alauzet. While the craftsman came first in the first round of the legislative elections, his rival finally won with 52.26% of the vote. Stéphane Ravacley notably made himself known by starting a hunger strike in 2021, when his Guinean apprentice was notified of an obligation to leave the territory.

At the Republicans

• Aurélien Pradié was re-elected in the Lot

Republicans had a debacle in the last presidential election. Some tenors of the party save the furniture during these legislative elections. LR secretary general Aurélie Pradié won with 64.63% of the vote, ahead of Nupes candidate Elsa Bougeard, 35.37%, in the 1st constituency of Lot. Elected to general surprise in 2017 at the age of 31, Aurélien Pradié consolidates his anchoring in his department and emerges strengthened from the legislative elections within his party, as a promoter of a social right and a break with Sarkozyism.

• Eric Ciotti announces his re-election in the Alpes-Maritimes

“I am happy to announce my re-election”, tweeted Eric Ciotti Sunday evening, when the final results were not yet known. With 56.33% of the vote, the LR deputy from the 1st constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes retains his seat against the majority candidate Graig Monetti (43.67%). It was “the most difficult battle I have had to fight in these four legislative elections”, said Eric Ciotti during his thanks. His challenger, a former member of the cabinet of the Minister of Higher Education, was trying for the first time to win a seat in the National Assembly.

• Philippe Juvin becomes Deputy for Hauts-de-Seine

Philippe Juvin is elected in the 3rd district of Hauts-de-Seine (38%) after a triangular, in front of the candidate of Together! Aurélie Taquillain (37.27%) and that of Nupes Sara Tij (24.73%). Former candidate for the LR primary, mayor of Garenne-Colombes and figure in the fight against Covid-19, he has several times pleaded for a government agreement “a bit German” with Macron.

• Jean-Christophe Lagarde beaten by Rachel Garrido in Seine-Saint-Denis

No fifth term for the president of the UDI Jean-Christophe Lagarde. The latter conceded his defeat against Raquel Garrido (Nupes), in the 5th district of Seine-Saint-Denis. “A page is definitely turning and I wish good luck to our fellow citizens with the one who is now responsible for representing them in Parliament”reacted this pillar of the local right for twenty years on Twitter.

On the far right

• Marine Le Pen wins easily in Pas-de-Calais

The candidate of the National Rally for the presidential election won hands down the legislative elections in the 11th district of Pas-de-Calais. Marine Le Pen won 61.03% of the vote against 38.97% for her Nupes rival, Marine Tondelier. The outgoing RN MP further improves her score from 2017, where she obtained 58.6%. The National Rally is in the process of obtaining “by far the largest group in the history of our political family”she welcomed during a speech.

• Julien Odoul wins a seat in Yonne

Julien Odoul, spokesperson for the National Rally, embodies the success of his training during these legislative elections. At 37, he was elected deputy for the first time with 55.84% of the vote in the 3rd constituency of Yonne. In a “remake” of the 2017 duel, this time he beat outgoing MP Michèle Crouzet, invested by the presidential majority. Julien Odoul went to the town hall of Sens to celebrate his victory.

• Sébastien Chenu re-elected deputy in the North

Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for the National Rally, was re-elected in the 19th district of the North. The outgoing MP won 57.15% of the vote against the Nupes candidate Patrick Soloch. He had already come first in the first round (44.35%).

• The policeman Romain Baubry wins in the Bouches-du-Rhône

Romain Baubry, 33-year-old RN candidate, was elected deputy in the 15th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, after obtaining 53.85% of the vote against the majority candidate Marie-Laurence Anzalone (Together!). He was a policeman for two years, a prison guard for five years and then a policeman. This uniformed agent currently exercises in Nîmes (Gard), after having worked in the night brigade in Cavaillon, in the Vaucluse.

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