an investigation opened in particular for “online moral harassment and death threats”, targeting the staff of a high school

An investigation was opened on Friday in particular for “death threats” targeting, among others, the principal education adviser (CPE) of the Charlemagne high school in Paris, franceinfo learned on Sunday June 19 from the Paris prosecutor’s office, confirming information from the log Le Figaro.

The investigation opened by the national center for the fight against online hatred was also opened for “moral harassment online and endangering the lives of others by disseminating information relating to private, family or professional life. “, specifies the same source. The investigations were entrusted to the Central Office for the Fight against Crimes against Humanity and Hate Crimes (OCLCH).

According to a source familiar with the matter, on Thursday June 16, a student from another establishment went to Lycée Charlemagne in the 4th arrondissement of Paris, for the anticipated test of the French baccalaureate. As she was veiled, the CPE asked her to remove her veil before entering the examination room.

A complaint lodged by the rectorate

According to the rectorate, joined by franceinfo, when the teenager arrives at the Charlemagne high school, Thursday afternoon to pass her French baccalaureate, she refuses to remove before entering. Then follows a heated argument with the staff of school life, which reminds him of the law. The wearing of any religious sign has been prohibited in high school since the law of 2004. According to this same source, the teenager, educated in another establishment in the Paris region, had never contested this provision until then.

It was only after half an hour of rather lively verbal exchanges that the high school student was able to enter the examination center, after removing her veil. The incident, it is said at the rectorate of Paris, was managed by the direction of the Charlemagne high school, in connection with the establishment of origin of the high school student and her family.

After this incident, Friday morning the rectorate noted that death threats, against educational staff, in particular a CPE, had been made on social networks. A complaint is then lodged by the rectorate. And arrangements are made, we explain to franceinfo, to guarantee the safety of staff and students of the high school. Moreover, as the Charlemagne high school is an examination center, the school life service will be reinforced in the coming days, specifies this same source.

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