climbers, leaves, flowers or fruits

Vertical gardens are popular, so do not hesitate any longer, plant climbers, foliage, flowers or fruit, with the advice of Roland Motte, our gardener.

Climbing plants are appreciated. They are found everywhere in gardens, on balconies, on terraces and especially on walls.

Like any plant, each climber has its own needs for soil, light and water. You can plant them both in the ground and in a pot. The main thing is to give them something to climb, a stake, a tree, a wall, a railing… everything is good to train the long shoots that will develop.

There are climbing foliage like the vine, the Virginia creeper. If you like flowers, try clematis, a wisteria, honeysuckle… and many other species. These will need support. unlike, for example, the ivy and the climbing hydrangea which cling to the walls with their little spikes and manage to climb on their own.

And for those with a sweet tooth, there are fruit climbers, such as kiwi or goji, which grow very well here!

Find Roland Motte on France Bleu Lorraine and France Bleu Besançon and on his website

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