Summer is coming ! Win a cruise on the Seine EVERY DAY

In recent days we have had a taste of summer but its arrival is beautiful and well planned for this Tuesday, June 21.

To welcome summer as it should be, Immediate Boarding involves a cruise on the Seine EVERY DAY. The opportunity for you to discover Paris as you’ve never seen it before!

You will embark at the foot of the Eiffel Tower aboard a Vedettes de Paris boat and enjoy the marvelous spectacle offered by the monuments and bridges of Paris.

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, France Bleu Paris and the Vedettes de Paris offer you the opportunity to win a commented cruise by a tour guide for an unforgettable family experience.

Tuesday, the official summer day, is an aperitif cruise which is up for grabs! You will enjoy an unforgettable view from the river with a glass in your hand! Soft drink, beer, wine or even a glass of Champagne, it’s up to you to choose what makes you happy!

How to play ?

Only one thing to do, call your radio at and sign up to play live on the Embarquement Immédiat show between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m.

Once on the air, you will have to try to correctly answer as many questions as possible. 1 question, 5 seconds of reflection. If the thinking time is exceeded or if the answer is wrong, the game ends.

No tie possiblethe highest score of the week, ie the listener who answered the greatest number of questions in a row, is declared the winner of the week.

Good luck to everyone

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